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Individual Counselling and Services

At HHU, there are numerous counselling and service offers that university employees can use individually. For example, we offer help with applications for academic projects, tips for designing your own teaching or advice on balancing family and career.

You can find information about the services here:

Proposal consultation

The staff of the Research Management and Transfer Department will provide you with comprehensive advice on applying for third-party and other funding for your projects to

  • find the right funding offer for your project idea,
  • review your applications and obtain signatures,
  • support you in the preparation of funding plans and check them for verification and legal compliance,
  • give feedback on draft applications, provide text modules and completion aids,
  • support you in contract management and negotiate cooperation agreements,
  • advise on the exploitation of research results.

Contact us at an early stage so that you can take full advantage of the services we offer!

Further information is available here

Gender Consulting

Gender Consulting is an advisory and service offer of the Equal Opportunities Officer and is aimed at faculties and departments as well as scientists and academics who are in the planning phase for a research proposal within the framework of a collaborative research project (e.g. Collaborative Research Centers, Research Training Groups, Research Units).

Further information here

Advice and assistance with applications at MNF

iGRAD offers advice and support in applying for graduate programs and similar externally funded programs related to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Further information is available here


Counseling in (acute) mental crises (philGRAD)

philGRAD is the contact for mental stress and psychological challenges for doctoral students, PostDocs and supervisors of the Faculty of Arts.

There are countless reasons why we can feel mentally burdened and sometimes just don't know what to do. The most important thing in these crisis situations is that we are not alone or do not feel left alone. Even in the university environment, mentally stressful situations can arise that, in the worst case, seem hopeless to us. Talking about it and knowing that there is someone who listens and is there for me can help a lot to stabilize mentally and to work out solutions together in order to overcome the crisis and to look positively into everyday life again. philGRAD is a Mental Health First Aider.

Find more information here

Silencium for scientists of the HHU

The Central Equal Opportunity Officer supports female and male scientists on their academic career path by funding childcare for the completion of a scientific thesis.

Here is more information

Childcare allowance for committee members

If additional childcare costs are incurred due to participation in committee meetings, interviews, seminars, commissions, etc., these can be covered by Equal Opportunity Officer funds.

Here are more information

Emergency assistance for doctoral students with child

For doctoral students with a child who are in need at the end of their doctorate through no fault of their own, there is a one-time grant from the Emergency Assistance Fund of the Central Equal Opportunity Officer. Further information is available here

Further information is available here

Confidential counseling for women and parents

The Equal Opportunity Officer offers women and parents confidential advice on everything to do with studies, employment contracts, conflicts in the workplace, etc.

Further information is available here



Once a year, the Central Equal Opportunity Officer invites all female scientists and women in leadership positions at HHU to the traditional HEINE-NETZwerk at Mickeln Castle.

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Confidential counseling for women and parents

The Equal Opportunity Officer offers women and parents confidential advice on everything to do with studies, employment contracts, conflicts in the workplace, etc.

Further information is available here


Grant from the Equal Opportunities Officer for foreign language certificates

The Central Equal Opportunity Officer of HHU grants subsidy for test fees for female employees who want to obtain a foreign language certificate. The language test should correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

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Online-Tutorial Research Data Management

Learn how to access, protect, store and publish your data. The university library's e-learning course about Research Data Management Training (in English) answers your most important questions from these areas.

Consulting on research data management

With expertise from research funding, the University and State Library (ULB) and the Center for Information and Media Technology (ZIM) at HHU, the FDM Competence Center will be happy to advise you individually on all matters relating to data handling.

This can be, for example, if you

  • are planning a research proposal
  • are looking for technical ways to handle certain data (e.g. annotation of data, shared data infrastructures, etc.)
  • want to archive and/or publish data
  • have legal questions about how to handle data
  • want to create a data management plan.

Further information and contact options: https://fdm.hhu.de


Forum Gender in Medicine

The forum "Gender in Medicine" at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf has been held once a year since 2008 by the Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Medicine. The contributions are interdisciplinary and are at the interface between biological sex (sex) and the gender role (gender). They approach this topic from different directions and are equally interesting for professional audiences and interested citizens.

Further information

Gender Consulting for Research Projects

Gender Consulting is an advisory and service offer of the Equal Opportunities Officer and is aimed at faculties and departments as well as scientists and academics who are in the planning phase for a research proposal within the framework of a collaborative research project (e.g. Collaborative Research Centers, Research Training Groups, Research Units).

Further information here


Diversity-Consulting and -Training

The Diversity Coordination Office is dedicated to the topic of diversity at HHU. It develops projects and activities to support students and staff in making the most of their personal potential and to anchor diversity as a cross-sectional topic at the university. The coordination office advises and supports both students and lecturers, e.g. on questions regarding diversity-sensitive teaching.
It also regularly offers diversity awareness training for faculty, staff and students at HHU.

Diversity-Site of HHU

Time to start!

Do you have an initial idea for a start-up or would you like to know how we here at HHU can support you on your way to self-employment or your own start-up? The CEDUS team accompanies you and your project right from the start and shows you the way to the right support for your business start-up.

We help you to classify your business idea by creating a first rough business plan through a Business Model Canvas. The results of this will then be used to advise you on funding programs or to put you in touch with our CEDUS network of experts.

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Career Counseling by iGRAD

iGRAD offers its members advice on career planning, development and application.

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Career Counseling by philGRAD

Individual career coaching can help to achieve a more differentiated self-assessment and a clearer picture of one's own strengths and talents as well as abilities. philGRAD offers comprehensive counseling for doctoral students and doctoral graduates that also points out career paths outside of academia.

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Career Counseling for Postdocs by JUNO

We understand career to mean the development in a professional activity that is in line with personal interests, values and competencies.
We would like to support you in ensuring that your employment at HHU has a positive influence on this development in the long term and brings you further personally. We offer you individual career counseling in all fields and accompany you in the development and elaboration of career goals.

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Coaching for junior research group leaders and junior professors of all departments (JUNO)

As a junior research group leader or junior professor, you have to face very individual challenges in your everyday work. Under certain circumstances, it may be useful for you to receive personal advice and coaching.

Coaching by JUNO

Conflict Counseling for Doctoral Students, Doctoral Candidates and Supervisors of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Due to different expectations and interests, conflicts can arise between supervisors and/or superiors and PhD students/postdocs/staff if we are not aware of our role and do not communicate views and opinions in a factual, transparent and clear way. philGRAD offers the possibility for a confidential conversation in case of an annoyance, disturbing feeling or conflict. In addition, philGRAD offers mediation as a very productive way of resolving conflicts.

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Conflict Counseling for Doctoral Students, Doctoral Candidates and Supervisors of MNF

iGRAD offers information and counseling on specific topics and also networks with the relevant departments and counseling centers at HHU in order to refer students to the right offices when needed. Confidential conflict counseling for doctoral students, doctoral candidates and supervisors is also part of iGRAD's services.

Counseling by iGRAD

Anti-Corruption Officer of the Heinrich Heine University

The Anti-Corruption Officer acts as a neutral contact person for HHU employees as well as for students, business partners and third parties. In the event of suspected corruption, they receive information, also confidentially if requested, and investigate the information. If necessary, they initiate further steps in agreement with the university management.

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Higher Education Didactics Consultation

Are you looking for subject-specific ideas for your course? You would like to participate in specific information and further education offers? Are you interested in funding opportunities for the implementation of teaching-learning projects? You would like to exchange ideas about teaching with colleagues in your field? HHU's university didactics offers you an individual consulting service.

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E-Learning-Consultation and Services

Do you have questions about digital teaching or need support with the specific implementation of a digital teaching project? The e-learning experts at HHU are happy to help!

Contact the E-Learning team

Find services for E-Learning (Examples: professional video recording or digital exams)

Advice on funding for open access publications

Open access (OA) publications usually require publication fees even before they are published. The ULB advises on options for financing OA publications and offers, among other things, an OA fund.

Publication Infrastructure

If you do not publish with a publisher, the ULB will advise you on publishing options, e.g. via the ULB's publication infrastructure. We operate a repository as well as two platforms for publishing open access journals and e-books.

Legal aspects

We can also inform you on legal aspects related to your publication, e.g. on secondary publication, copyright or publishing contracts in general - however, we cannot offer legal advice.

More information and contact

Writing consultation for doctoral students of the Faculty of Humanities

Often the research and writing process is interrupted by professional tasks, wavering motivation, difficulty focusing on goals, blocks in the writing process, and more. Sometimes you just need some good advice or a little motivational help to get back to work in a focused way.  In a weekly writing consultation, philGRAD offers support for individual writing processes.

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Citing and avoiding plagiarism (consulting offer ULB)

You are writing a scientific paper and want to cite correctly and efficiently? We advise on the basic rules of correct citation as well as on the concrete implementation of citation rules. We give advice on choosing a suitable citation standard and show you how to organize your citation process efficiently.

More information at ULB

Responsible for the content: ProFiL : Contact by e-mail